Thursday, July 28, 2011

National Park Service Has Infringed on the Second Amendment in Philadelphia

The Secretary of the Interior and the National Park Service Have Abused Their Management Discretion at America’s Birthplace in Philadelphia – Home of Where the Second Amendment was Adopted in 1791

The Secretary of the Department of the Interior ("DOI"), acting through the National Park Service ("NPS"), has acted randomly and arbitrarily, and in turn has restricted various Constitutional rights, including those of the Second Amendment, at Independence National Historical Park ("INHP"), a unit of the NPS, in Philadelphia. Just two months after the Federal law governing possession of firearms inside a National Park changed on February 22, 2010, the Secretary of the Interior entered into a statutorily authorized, detailed and long-term Operating Agreement between the United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service and the Independence Visitor Center Corporation ("Operating Agreement") dated April 26, 2010.

This matter is a significant public policy issue for those concerned about Civil Rights, and as such various groups should take action including the National Rifle Association ("NRA") and the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, especially since this is happening in the shadow of Independence Hall where the Second Amendment was adopted in 1791.

According to the Operating Agreement, the NPS has placed random and arbitrary limitations on the Second Amendment. Specifically, Section C.20 (page 16) of the Operating Agreement, "Marketing Partnerships and Commercial Activities Undertaken by Third-Parties," states,
"Further, the IVCC [Independence Visitor Center Corporation] agrees that it will not enter into a marketing partnership or agreement with any individual or entity who sells, distributes or trades in, or who is otherwise clearly associated with, alcohol, tobacco, firearms or pornographic material, nor will it enter into any marketing partnership or agreement requiring actions on federal property which may result in a violation of the Establishment Clause of the Constitution." (emphasis added)
It appears that the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the National Park Service's Northeast Regional Director Dennis Reidenbach, is now legislating through the NPS’s unfettered management discretion at INHP. To that end, it makes no sense that the NPS has placed these arbitrary restrictions on its "partner," the Independence Visitor Center Corporation. Instead of exercising the NPS's discretion to create new rules that violate clearly established Constitutional rights, the NPS should simply follow the laws already in place for the management and operation of National Parks, including those laws governing concessions and commercial operations at National Parks. For the record, the signatories on the Operating Agreement are Mr. Reidenbach acting on behalf of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and James J. Cuorato, President and CEO of the Independence Visitor Center Corporation.

Independence National Historical Park Background
Independence National Historical Park ("INHP") is America’s Birthplace. "The park represents the founding ideals of the nation and is a national and international symbol of democracy and liberty." The Bill of Rights was adopted in 1791 in INHP, and Independence Park has a distinct and singular association with the right of assembly, the right of free speech, the right to petition the government and the right to keep and bear arms.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Independence Visitor Center Corporation ("IVCC") Appears to Peddle Influence by Offering to Sell a Seat on the IVCC’s Board of Directors to a For-Profit Company

For $125,000.00, “A Seat on the IVCC Board of Directors for a Commerce Bank Executive.”

From 2000 to the present, the Independence Visitor Center Corporation ("IVCC") has touted its Board of Directors, which has had an impressive array of powerful and connected individuals including the Director of the National Park Service ("NPS"), a Managing Director with the Pew Charitable Trusts, the President & CEO of the Center City District, a Deputy Vice Dean of The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the Mayor of Philadelphia, a representative for the Governor of Pennsylvania and the Governor of Pennsylvania's former Chief of Staff.

The Federal and state funded Independence Visitor Center Corporation operates the Independence Visitor Center ("IVC") at Independence National Historical Park ("INHP"), a unit of the NPS, in Philadelphia.   The IVC is owned and operated by the United States of America - National Park Service, which then sub-contracts with the IVCC, a taxpayer supported public charity, to manage the IVC.

In a 2004-2007 sponsorship proposal that the IVCC developed entitled, “Commerce Bank’s Partnership with the Independence Visitor Center Corporation,” the IVCC appears to have proposed a $125,000.00 three-year promotional sponsorship agreement to Commerce Bank, a for-profit company.

Given the clandestine nature of the IVCC, we do not know what was agreed upon between the IVCC and Commerce Bank, but suffice it to say that Commerce Bank has been one of the long-term paid-for sponsors of the IVCC as evidenced by its Commerce Bank branded ATM in the main entrance (now a TD Bank ATM, since TD Bank acquired Commerce in March 2008), Commerce Bank signage at the IVC, Commerce Bank promotions at the IVC and INHP, Commerce Bank logo and ad on the backs of IVC sold tickets, Commerce Bank logo on the IVC Web site, Commerce Bank promotion on the IVCC's Facebook page, etc. (all similar to what was outlined in the proposal entitled "Commerce Bank’s Partnership with the Independence Visitor Center Corporation").

Lack of Diversity on the Taxpayer Funded Independence Visitor Center Corporation's Board of Directors

Of the 18 Members of the Independence Visitor Center Corporation's ("IVCC") Board of Directors, the IVCC Appears to Have 16 White Directors, 2 Black Directors, and Zero Directors of Either Hispanic or Asian Origin

The Independence Visitor Center Corporation ("IVCC") operates the Independence Visitor Center ("IVC") at Independence National Historical Park ("INHP"), a unit of the National Park Service ("NPS"), in Philadelphia. The IVC is owned and operated by the United States of America - National Park Service, which then has sub-contracted with the IVCC, a taxpayer supported 501(c)(3) public charity, to manage the IVC. Some of the most important moments in American history transpired at INHP: the drafting and signing of the Declaration of Independence and the drafting, debating and signing of the Constitution of the United States.

The Independence Visitor Center itself is situated just across the street from the Liberty Bell Center, which houses the iconic Liberty Bell that has come to symbolize America's freedom for many different groups: the early patriots, the abolitionists, those fighting for women's suffrage, and many seeking freedom throughout the world. As the gateway to INHP -- the place where America's freedom was established and where this great melting pot of diversity was born -- the IVCC should be quite cognizant of maintaining a governing Board of Directors that represents the great diversity of Philadelphia and America as a whole. Unfortunately, the IVCC has instead created an insular and homogeneous Board of Directors that does not reflect the diverse constituent base which funds the IVCC and which the IVCC serves.