Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What Do Gambling and Secrecy Have to Do with a Public Charity that Operates on Federal Land?

While the purpose of this blog entry is not to weigh in on the casino debate in Philadelphia, it is nonetheless important to learn what back room deals may have been made in Harrisburg to leverage casino operations to fund the Independence Visitor Center Corporation, a public taxpayer supported charity, that runs the Independence Visitor Center. (The land on which the Independence Visitor Center (IVC) is built, as well as the building itself, are owned by the federal government and administered by Independence National Historical Park, a unit of the National Park Service.)

William W. Moore, former President and CEO of the Independence Visitor Center Corporation (IVCC), wrote to Governor Edward Rendell about the IVCC and legalized gambling and casino operators. In the July 9, 2004 letter, Mr. Moore wrote the following,
"Congratulations on the historic legislation allowing slot machine installation in Pennsylvania. That was a long and difficult battle, but in the end residents and visitors to the Commonwealth all come out as winners. You may recall in a meeting in late 2003 discussing ways that we could leverage casino operations to help support the Independence Visitor Center operations. With the legislation successfully passed, I would like to renew those discussions...To secure our long-term future and provide sustainable, consistent funding I would like you to consider taking a renewed look at how we might achieve financial support for the Visitor Center operations either directly or indirectly from the licensing, permitting or operations of our new casino operators."
Casino operations are predicated upon having winners and losers, and as such, Mr. Moore's argument that "in the end residents and visitors to the Commonwealth all come out as winners" is absurd.

That said, Mr. Moore made a reference to an attachment in his July 9, 2004 letter to Governor Rendell. Under the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law, Jon Bari, President of The Constitutional Walking Tour, requested a copy of Mr. Moore's attachment, but the Office of the Governor has refused to provide this six and half year old letter because it is allegedly "confidential proprietary information."

The Constitutional appealed the denial of the Office of the Governor, and the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records has ordered the Office of the Governor to provide us with various records including the July 9, 2004 attachment. See Final Determination, Jonathan Bari and The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia vs. the Office of the Governor, Docket No.: AP 2010·0733, September 13, 2010 ("Final Determination").

Despite the legally binding Final Determination, the Office of the Governor has yet to provide these records.

To the contrary, on or before October 13, 2010, Governor Rendell will likely have filed a lawsuit in Commonwealth Court to block the release of the records of the Independence Visitor Center Corp. October 13th is the legal deadline by which the Office of the Governor has to file suit, and to that end, they have already advised the Office of Open Records (OOR) that they will file suit if the OOR does not reconsider the Final Determination (the OOR denied the Governor's request for reconsideration). Here is what the Governor's office wrote (note that the Office of the Governor will be "compelled" to sue, but somehow not "compelled" to release the records).
"The Office [of the Governor] has 30 days to appeal the September 13, 2010 Final Determination to Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, with the final date for filing being October 13, 2010. Therefore, if this Motion for Reconsideration is not timely granted by the OOR, the Office will be compelled to file an appeal with Commonwealth Court by that date. Under Pa. R.A.P 1701(b)(3), a government unit such as OOR may grant reconsideration within the applicable appeal period. However, a motion for reconsideration does not act as a stay of the appeal period. Moore v. Moore, 535 Pa. 18,634 A.2d 163 (1993)."
This further demonstrates how the Independence Visitor Center Corp. - a taxpayer supported public trust and public charity - and the IVCC's attorneys continue to be tone deaf to the needs of public charities to be transparent in their operations.

